Understanding the significance of Yoga in Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda are two inseparable sisters that originated from the same Vedic art of natural healing segment. Bringing Yogic practices in Ayurveda works as a perfect healing package that aids in diagnosing and treating any type of health condition involving your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Ayurvedic treatment uses a distinctive approach. Yoga shares mighty importance in double up the effect of natural therapies by establishing the connectedness between your mind, body, and spirit that lets an individual live a disease-free life.

Yoga and Ayurveda treatment are based on the principles of trigunas ( Sattva, rajas, and tamas) that project a deeper understanding of how the body works and how we can attain overall holistic health by emphasizing holistic health diet, natural remedies, and Yoga.

Ayurvedic treatment involves a strong association of the regular practice of various yoga asanas such as pranayama and meditations that are followed up with

● The administration of several highly potent herbs that performs internal purification of your body.
● A well-rounded diet that strengthens your body to respond against various diseases readily.
● It also includes the Chanting of sacred mantras for the alignment of your chakra that promotes physical and mental well-being.

Why are kidney problems dangerous, and how can you purge it with Yoga in Ayurveda?

Your fist-sized kidneys are remarkably an intricate tool in charge of performing many different roles to keep you healthy and alive. You've just seen the tip of an iceberg if you feel that your kidneys are just limited to purifying your blood from waste products and other excessive substances from the body. There are other pertinent roles that your kidneys do to keep you alive, includes-

● Your kidney holds back essential substances, such as protein, from seeping out from the body through urine.
● Your kidneys regulate the production of red blood cells in your body.
● Your kidneys produce an active form of vitamin D that keeps your bones strong and healthy.
● Your kidneys release certain hormones that regulate your blood pressure.
● Your kidneys balance the level of fluids in your body.

Therefore keeping your kidneys healthy at in a good state is your paramount responsibility that can be achieved with kidney treatment by Yoga.

Apart from being the most effective tool for clearing and calming our minds, practising Yoga can also help reverse your kidneys' functioning. There are various asanas in Yoga that effectively reduce the damage occurring inside your kidneys, prevent the progression of the disease, and channelize the blood flow to your kidneys so that they start functioning properly as they should. Yoga asanas and kriyas are considered the best cleansing techniques to keep your internal organs healthy by enhancing your overall kidneys' functioning.

Practising pranayamas, such as Nadi Shodhana and Anuloma- Viloma can balance your nervous system and aid in mental peace. On the other hand, practising kriyas can detox your body from certain toxins, excessive substances, and infections out of the body and purifies your whole system.

The kidney treatment by Yoga in Ayurveda is considered the best healing package that improves your overall health by controlling your blood pressure, lowering your cholesterol levels, and helps you to maintain a healthy weight, which is essential to keep you away from the risk of developing chronic health conditions. The ultimate goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to lower the intake of medicines as much as possible and prevent disease progression by powering the immune system that keeps you safe from various health problems.

Are Ayurvedic medications effective in curing chronic illnesses?

Ayurvedic treatment comprises several natural herbs, a good diet, yoga kriyas, and meditation. If you're adamantly following the natural treatment procedure with consistency, you can feel the effect of Ayurvedic treatment within one month. Also, the effect of medications varies on various aspects, such as the severity of the disease, your diet, from how long you're having the problem, and how much percentage of kidneys' functioning you have left with.
